Hear first-hand what my clients have to say about our time together


“I’ve been working with Sam one-to-one for the last few months. In that time I have noticed that I’m spending more time on the goals that truly matter to me, both professionally and personally, and I have increased focus on what those goals are.

He is a great listener and by asking the right questions has the ability to guide you to the heart of the matter whilst challenging the unconscious thoughts and assumptions that hold us all back. He is always ready to jump in with structure and insights from his experience in the world of advertising and his knowledge and experience as a trainer.

I have been able to bring some of the insights gleaned back to my team and it has informed how I coach them to reach their goals, I believe making me a better leader.” 

Charlotte, International Finance Director, Major Advertising Agency

“My sessions with Sam have been great, good fun and he has helped me to identify features of my work persona which may be negatively impacting my confidence in the workplace.

He has given me proactive suggestions to help address and develop these features which have been easy to implement and resulted in improvements in my confidence.”

Natasha, Business Development Director

Sam became my coach as part of Leadership Training while I was Lead Designer of Big Pixel Studios.

At the time, I was new to the position and was looking for both guidance and confirmation that I was leading my team correctly (turns out there might not be a single "correct" way).

To be honest, I started the experience with some cynicism and caution. However, though our 1 to 1 coaching sessions, we began to break down this cynicism and how this could hold me back from living my best life. Sam lead 1 to 1 session ready to guide and gently nudge me as I would unravel my current thoughts and concerns.

I would always end these conversations with a much healthier and more in-depth understanding of what might have been on my mind and what I must do to improve.

With Sam's help, I have become a much more thoughtful, considerate and efficient leader but more than that he has helped (especially in this challenging year) me live a better life.” 

James Older, Lead Games Designer, Big Pixel Studios

“To find a safe place to talk in a crazy day is always difficult.

To make the time to engage in these moments is always seemingly stressful.

This is how I began my time before Sam.

Once I started in sessions with Sam, I came to relish the brief time we had.

They became my precious moments that I would guard in my diary.

They helped me think and grow.

Not just to tackle specific challenges by providing a different perspective but also encouraging/forcing me to go deep to understand the surface.

Sam’s open nature, structure and flexibility to each session meant we could pivot to the tune of the day.

I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and always took away valuable learnings.“

Josh, Head of Production

“Sam can open a path towards a new “you”.

By reaching your soul. By unlocking all the wonderful things you bear inside.

And this new “you” is so powerful, that it can turn our world upside down for the better.”

Jordi González Creus, Creative & Artist

“Since we started speaking, we’ve made progress on everything that was bugging me. I’m surprised with how much my performance as a leader has improved, as well as my confidence when making decisions and making sure we are hitting the right target.

The moral of our work is I don’t have to try and fit some idea of what a leader is. I can see that I’m a different type of leader from what I ‘thought’ leadership was. And now I’ve picked the type of leadership that is good for me.

The biggest insight for me is to let myself do it my way. And it’s working. Our work has been amazingly positive, and I has made me want to help shift what leadership is in creative departments across the industry.”

David Ogawa, Creative Director
I started working with Sam after requesting some training from my company to support me with my new people management responsibilities. I suffered from self-doubt and was looking for guidance on how to better handle situations I found myself in.

Sam was absolutely brilliant at getting me talking about the things that were holding me back and freeing me from those anxieties. I am now conscious of the power I have to choose how my decisions will affect my life. The thought processes Sam has introduced have completely changed the way I go about my work.

I am more confident and feel myself in total control of how I want my life to progress. Sam is so easy to talk to and has an amazing ability to focus in on advice that will really make a difference to the way you think and act. I have hugely benefitted from our sessions and would really recommend Sam to anyone seeking professional coaching.”

Persad, IT Manager, Large Advertising Agency

“Sam has been coaching me for the last few years and honestly, it's been empowering. I've gained confidence not only in myself but in my career and it pushed me to take the leap into setting up my own business.

Now 8 months into building my brand, I couldn't be more grateful for his support. I couldn't have done it without him.“

Ruth, Freelance Creative Marketing Specialist

“I have really enjoyed my sessions with Sam. The start of our work together happened to coincide with one of the biggest shifts in working life and culture during the global pandemic - and Sam's open, positive and energetic attitude has been a very reassuring and enlightening presence in this challenging time.

Sam always brings a fresh insight and perspective and - coupled with his industry background - he offers the right level of support and challenge to push boundaries and encourage me to reframe my thinking.

In doing so, he has helped me to recognise my strengths, identify derailing patterns of behaviour and rekindled my desire to learn and grow. It has inspired me to start making the change in my outlook that I feel I have been needing for some time.

I look forward to continuing our work together.” 

Laura, Associate Business Affairs Director EMEA, Large Advertising Agency

“I loved working with Sam and found our coaching sessions enlightening. Sam knows when to push you a bit more and when to challenge you, or when to remind you to be kind and accepting of yourself and give yourself some credit and space.

He also manages to find this great and difficult balance between digging deep, asking questions and discussing rather existential issues and being hands on - giving you homework, asking you to commit to a certain new habit, try out a new routine, etc.

He adapts to the situation and to you and always asks what you need and what works best for you. I also really appreciate the notes of the session he always shared with me after each session, a great way to be able to go back to what we discussed and reflect on it.

Thank you so much Sam, you've been so helpful and I've learnt so much about myself in our sessions.”

Irina Pulyakhina, Data Scientist

The Experience was enjoyable and often insightful. Sam would point me towards new avenues and ways of seeing a particular issue.

I am now able to get stuck Into the busy launch period minus the worries of previous years.

I am excited about the prospects for my role and working in this ever-changing environment.

Sam had lots of tips for me.  I will continue to try and use my time better starting with managing my mornings.”

Matt McHugo, Post Production

“This has been the total catalyst for change in pretty much every single pillar of my life. I moved countries, my work has transformed, relationships have changed.

I guarantee after somebody has had a conversation with you that they are going to know that it is something that they need.”  

Chloe Garland, Founder of Quarter Life

“The sessions with Sam were excellent, and had a deep impact on me, on varied subjects.

They have triggered very interesting conversations with the people around me (not necessarily from work), and additional reading/podcasts on certain topics. I still often think about it.

It impacted me both on a professional and personal level, and made me realise how intricately they both relate to each other — After all I'm the same person at work and out of work.

I attended the sessions during a period where I didn’t have any specific problems to solve, which allowed us to talk about various topics. No matter the subject, from the most random daily routine or bad habit, to deeper matters, the sessions drove me to look at things from a different angle, which was in cases life-changing.”

Pauline Kerleroux, Creative Director

“I had the great fortune of working with Sam over 2020 and couldn't recommend him more. It was really inspiring working with someone who lives the philosophies they coach.

Our sessions covered a huge range of subjects and was a great mix of personal reflection, problem solving and long term goal setting.

Sam helped me be a better, happier manager.

Partly via the exercises and discussions and partly by showing me how a great coach listens and guides people.

I truly hope I get the opportunity to work with Sam again one day.”

David Shenoda, Game Production Consultant

“I have loved my journey with Sam. My self-confidence took a dive after becoming a mum and returning to work remotely during the pandemic.

Sam has helped me address unhelpful beliefs and behaviours, learn more about myself than I ever knew, discover what really motivates and excites me, and determine how I want to show up at work for me, my colleagues, and my creative work. Ultimately, how to be a more fearless version of myself.

His coaching offers a great blend of very practical advice mixed in with more high level thinking, to serve me right now, and which I’m sure I’ll be recalling for years to come. Sam’s friendly and loving presence made it very easy to be totally honest, and his opening question at the start of each session is something I’ll continue to ask myself every day from now on: ‘What do you want to have happen today?’

Thanks so much, Sam.”

Alex Delaney, Senior Creative

“In the busyness of an advertising workday, I found so much value in my sessions with Sam, who provided the space for me to slow down, reflect, and talk through some of the challenges I’d been facing that I felt I didn’t have time to address.

Each session was tailored to what I needed that day. Some times we sat in silence, while he held the space for me to drop into a calmer state of being. Other sessions were very practical in terms of mapping out how I would approach a particular situation.

Throughout all our sessions, Sam shared his gift of active listening, of relating his own experiences, and of helping me to look at situations from a fresh perspective, creating more space, awareness and acceptance. A unique blend of empathy, action and challenging with love, I felt that I grew both personally and professionally through my time with Sam.

Would definitely recommend him to others! Thank you Sam!”

Simin Randmanesh,  Strategic Planning Director

“Every time we chat, I just come out with ‘wow’, my mind is open to so many things. What I love about your work is that it gets to the root of the issue, which is the person.

I feel like a very different person running a very different person and a lot of that stems back to our work. I couldn’t recommend it more highly”

Hector Hughes, Founder of Unplugged

“Sam’s insightful and considered coaching has opened up new perspectives for me that haven’t just influenced how I present myself in work environments, but how I conceptualise myself in many different spaces.

He never shied away from being direct and calling me out when it was needed, or knowing when best for us to build to a conclusion together. From specific actions I can take, to opening different mindsets for me to explore, Sam’s ability to tailor his coaching to my own needs meant every session I came away with something to act on or think about.

I’ve felt the benefits from his support and I hope others can as well.“

James McDavid, Strategic Planning Director

“After having a major wobble during a particularly intense period of work, I was referred to Sam.

Although I had never experienced any professional or personal coaching before, any natural cynicism faded within about a minute and I loved our sessions from the start. Sam is easy to talk to, even when he’s asking the difficult questions, and I tell him feelings I probably don’t even tell my family.

He’s helped me to cope and lead more calmly, without getting overwhelmed by stress or emotion. And just the process of taking some time out to focus on me leaves me feeling stronger and far more in control. Thank you!”

Jo, Creative Director, Large Advertising Agency

“Sam adapted to my needs with such patience and understanding, right from the start.

I really looked forward to exploring new ground with each session and enjoyed the natural flow of our conversations, constantly surprised by every turn they took. He enabled me to embrace what I have always seen as my “worst” habits and traits and turn them into positive aspects to nurture and appreciate.

The follow-up e-mails he sent after each session were like little pieces of treasure. I now have some invaluable tools to help me tackle the more challenging parts of life and for that I am eternally grateful!

Thank you for helping me to no longer see myself as broken.”

Susie Chandler, Post Producer

“Following some initial tip toeing on my behalf, we struck a chord and Sam took me right out of my comfort zone in the first session.

It opened me up from the start and each week felt unique, like a soft reboot but with a core to address and never from the same approach. Always led with empathy and a well of abundant patience for weeks of endless "Yeah....but"s, Sam always found a new perspective to offer, both humorous and revelationary, successfully cracking the most obstinate of 'truths' upheld for years.

Really enjoyed my time with Sam, taking away lots of 'pause and process' moments after each session and gaining some essential self help tools as part of the process.”

Sean Delaney,  IT Manager

“Introducing the coaching sessions with Sam for those at all levels has had a hugely positive impact on employees here at MAL. It has meant coaching is embedded in the culture and helped foster positive behavioural and cultural change.

Employees have been extremely receptive to receiving coaching and it’s demonstrated a commitment from senior leaders to develop people’s potential and continue to support creating an environment where people feel empowered.” 

Bridget Flatley, HR Director

“We've been working with Sam for a few months now and it's been a pleasure! Sam listened to our needs as a business and was able to write and run a workshop 'Putting Your Best Self Forward' that was specific to the cohort of learners we wanted to support.

But don't just go by word, both workshops we've ran so far have scored 100% when asked if they'd refer a friend.“

Hannah Francis, Talent Development Manager

“Since introducing theCoaching Programme we’ve been able to offer bespoke, one to one support for our people at MAL.

Aiming the programme at all levels has meant that our top talent can reap the benefits from targeted personal development. It has also encouraged more growth and development conversations between line managers and their teams – which is great to see.

We’ve had nothing but glowing feedback from all those involved.

The programme has become an integrate part of the company and we look forward to continuing to work with Sam!” 

Charley Walsh, Senior Learning & Development Manager
“Sam has an infectious energy which gives him an immediate connection with his course participants.  He is ceaselessly interactive both in the way his training material is built, and in his delivery style.”

Nigel Beard, Head of Learning & Development

“Sam ran a wonderful interactive workshop where people were unafraid to contribute and share their own experiences - a testament to his ability to draw people out without fear of embarrassment or repercussions. We would highly recommend him.”

Sara Assumani, Professional Development Executive

"Sam ran a truly insightful session for us as part of our Learning at Work Week schedule this year. Sam was able to build rapport with the group almost immediately and has a very authentic facilitation and delivery style.

On a personal level, as a delegate, it felt less like a ‘training session’ and more like a meaningful conversation amongst peers. A great workshop!”

Simon Devereux, Group Head of L&D
“Sam’s boundless energy and natural flair for storytelling make him an engaging and inspiring trainer.

His recent training got 10/10 feedback from attendees who left feeling enthused, more confident and more resilient to the highs and lows of agency life.”

Sinead Gray,  Managing Partner

“We recently ran a session with Sam - he has a fantastic ability to bring the content to life and to make it really relevant for people, he kept the energy high throughout the day and even got some of our real sceptics not only taking part in but enjoying the improv elements of the training.

He also managed the diversity of roles and seniority levels we had in the room really well; we all really learnt a lot.”

Lizzy Barker, Senior HR Lead